A Look Back at 2021

2021 was something. It just started like three weeks ago, but tonight is the last night. That was different. It’s customary to end the year with a little retrospective and far be it from me to break with customs, so here goes. The main lesson from 2021 is pandemic related, of course. We learned just…

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The political left has an anti problem. They are anti lots and lots of things: antifascism, antiracism, anticapitalism, antiwar, anticorruption, and on and on and on. All those antis are fine (although some are more fine than others), but I think they form a large part of the left’s branding problem. The right is anti…

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That’s Physical Education to You

Gym Teac Sorry, physical education professionals are not given the respect they deserve. There’s the old joke, “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach. Those who can’t teach, teach gym.” Nothing could be further from reality, though. Despite the spoofs and stereotypes, they quietly do about the most difficult job in education. Let’s start…

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Is It Any Wonder There Are So Many Anti-Maskers and Anti-Vaxxers?

The CDC changed their COVID guidelines again. Now, if a person is asymptomatic after testing positive, they only need to isolate for five days instead of ten. Of course, this happens as the headlines are screaming about record setting infection rates. This is quite typical of how the pandemic has been handled from the beginning….

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Quick Questions: Criticism

Politics has been polarized for a long time. Everyone knows that. But it feels different lately, probably since Obama became president. It feels like a type of identity politics has taken over across the political spectrum. It’s no longer confined to leftists and activists. A result of that is a growing importance in demonstrating allyship….

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