Logic 101 – Guns

This post is actually a little hard.  I say actually because it should be easy.  It should be easy because I have literally never seen a good argument against gun control.  But, that is what also makes it hard.  There are just so many bad arguments, I don’t even know where to begin.  And, let’s…

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Logic 101 – Marijuana

My logic 101 post got way more attention than I expected. Now I’m feeling a little pressure, but that’s probably a good thing. It will keep me from getting lazy. Since one of the commentors mentioned marijuana, that’s where I’ll start. There are three types of argument that I consistently see and hear regarding legalizing…

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Logic 101

What do the teachers’ union, the gun lobby, the pro-marijuana activists, the anti-GMO activists, the anti-gay crusaders, and the anti-fracking activists have in common?  Apparently, none of them ever took, let alone passed, logic 101.  Now, that’s a pretty diverse group, and I am actually sympathetic to some of them.  But their arguments in support…

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For Shame

There’s a funny thing about human beings.  Rationality is only one of many factors in our decision-making and often it is not one of the most important factors.  If it were, there would be no gun control debate.  All of the available evidence points to a safer, happier and freer society when guns are restricted….

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This is just a little experiment to see how to punctuate a quote within a quote within a quote within a quote and still have it be readable.  If anyone reads it, let me know what you think (about the punctuation):   Gene sidled into the writing center and saw Kerri. He approached her and…

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“Well, what have we here? We weren’t expecting you for quite some time. What happened?” “‘Scuse me?” “We thought we had another 20-25 years before you got here,” the gate attendant replied. Jack looked around at the fluffy ground and giant golden gate in front of him.  “Am I dead?” he asked. “Yup.” “Wow.  How’d…

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A Daylight Savings Conversation with Me, My Ten Month Old Daughter and Our Cat

This is the conversation as it actually occurred. Me: It’s time to go to sleep, sweetie. Daughter: But, Father, it’s still light outside. Why must I sleep? Me: Daylight savings started today. It’s your bedtime. And if you stay awake much longer, you won’t wake up on time tomorrow. Daughter: Daylight savings? How can that…

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