Photo by Johnyvino on Unsplash

Cashless Venues

There’s a trend going around that I don’t like at all. More and more venues are refusing to take cash. Everything has to be paid for with a debit or credit card. You see it at concert venues and sporting events. If you’re lucky, they have a reverse ATM. That’s a machine that will take…

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You know, you could just NOT pay your student loans

People on the internet, or at least the small cross-section of Twitter I see on a regular basis, seem pretty upset that President Joe Biden has reneged on his pledge to cancel at least some student debt. President Biden said publicly several times that he would “knock off” at least $10,000 in student debt, and…

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Cash or Credit

For a long time, I’ve held two contradictory opinions simultaneously. One is that credit card companies are about the most evil things on the planet and everyone should stop using credit cards. The other is that no store should be cash only. They should all accept credit cards. My opinions are changing (at least one…

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Credit is probably the biggest scam in human history. That’s a big claim, so I want to clarify a bit. I am not talking about credit in the accounting sense, credits and debits. Those are fine. I’m also not talking about the list of names that runs after a show or movie. I actually like…

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My partner, Jamil, wrote this piece about the problems with housing being an investment rather than shelter. He said he wanted to start a conversation, so here’s my contribution. *** I was recently having a conversation with my parents and brother about the fact that the financial services industry is not set up to serve…

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