Seven and a half years ago, I self-published a short eBook called What Happened to Mommy’s Boobs. This is what I had to say about it at the time:
A short time ago, a good friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I asked her if there was anything I could do, she responded by asking me to write and illustrate a poem in the style of Dr. Seuss called, “What Happened to Mommy’s Boobs”. Since I’m usually game for a challenge, and not likely to say no to a cancer patient, I gave it my best effort. This is the result. My only goal was make my friend smile. Apparently, it worked and she suggested I publish it. Again, since I’m not likely to say no to a cancer patient, here it is. I hope it makes you smile, too. And, even if it fails to make you smile, rest assured that some good will come from the experience. I will donate $1.58 to Dana Farber’s breast cancer research for each copy sold.
This is what my friend said when it was published:
On a dare, I asked my brilliant friend Gene Glotzer to write a story about how a mother would explain breast cancer to her daughter. There were some stipulations though. He had to write in the style of Dr. Seuss, he had to illustrate it, and it had to be about me. A tall order, I thought. Impossible, in fact. But he did it. What he has created is a wonderfully illustrated book of verse. If you know me and you know Gene, this may be even funnier. If you’ve been affected by breast cancer or you know someone who has, then you may find this delightful. Please consider purchasing this book on amazon. Gene has committed proceeds to go to a breast cancer charity. And get those mammograms! xoxo
It has been a while since I actively promoted the book. I’d love to sell more copies, but life and work and family keep me pretty busy. At work yesterday, we had a wear-pink-for-breast-cancer-awareness day and that got me thinking about my old book again. Breast cancer still sucks and I’d like to do more with what time I have, so here’s a start.
And, if you’re curious, my friend is cancer free and doing great, although we haven’t managed to hang out in ages.