
A lot of white people who support Black Lives Matter have been using a slogan lately. They use it on signs, in posts, in memes, and in tweets. It is, “I understand that I will never understand, but I stand with you.” I get it. I know what it’s trying to say, that as someone…

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I’m Scared

As of January 20, 2017, Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America.  To say I’m scared is an understatement.  I’m terrified.  Our country has had stupid presidents.  We’ve had incompetent presidents.  We’ve had evil presidents.  This is the first time we’ve had all three in one president.  That would be bad enough,…

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Is Modern Technology Bad for Us?

I’ve been hearing it my whole life, television rots your brain. Video games are worse. And now that we have screens, we’re doomed. Thanks to these technologies, people no longer have attention spans. People are lazy. The ability to memorize is gone. Actually, all learning and thinking is in danger. At least that’s what they…

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My Second Impeachment

First of all, I can’t quite believe my title. Impeachments should be vanishingly rare. The fact that there have been two in my lifetime is extraordinary. I was twenty-three when the House of Representatives impeached Bill Clinton. I’m forty-four as they impeach Donald Trump. It’s crazy how different the two situations feel. I know that…

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