
I’m about three weeks removed from having covid. It wasn’t a severe case, but I felt terrible. My symptoms were congestion, cough, fever, body aches, and fatigue. The doctor warned me that the cough and fatigue may continue for a while after I got better. And the doctor was right, especially about the fatigue. I…

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Covid and Depression Part 2

Yesterday, I wrote about how depression puts people at higher risk for severe covid. Today I want to talk about another problem with covid. Apparently, covid can cause depression. “[O]ver half of a U.S. COVID-19 survivor sample reported symptoms of depression months after recovery, those with more severe COVID symptoms being more likely to have depression.” They…

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Is It Any Wonder There Are So Many Anti-Maskers and Anti-Vaxxers?

The CDC changed their COVID guidelines again. Now, if a person is asymptomatic after testing positive, they only need to isolate for five days instead of ten. Of course, this happens as the headlines are screaming about record setting infection rates. This is quite typical of how the pandemic has been handled from the beginning….

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