Today is my 40th birthday. One question that I got repeatedly today is, “How does it feel to be 40?” Well, so far, it feels like I have a head cold. I guess I’ll have to wait a few days to figure out if I have a head cold or if being 40 feels like a head cold. I hope it’s the former.
It is an odd question, though. I don’t think I can say what 39 felt like, or 30, or 16, or 5. Of course now I can’t help but wonder if I’m just old and senile. Maybe at 35, I could tell what 35, and all of my past ages, felt like. It would be a shame if I’ve forgotten. Hopefully I didn’t offend anyone with my non-committal or joke answers. And if I did, rest assured that offense was not my intention. I’m just a confused old man who deserves sympathy rather than scorn.