I know I’m a few days late with this post, but life has been crazy lately. Every year, I write a little post about my kid’s first day of school and what’s going through my mind. (Past entries can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.) For the second year in a row, I just don’t have much to say. I don’t know why that is exactly.
Everyone says that seventh grade is the hardest. I don’t remember a lot about my seventh-grade experience, good or bad. I think it was just another year. The one thing I do remember vividly is that I passed out for the first time during science class. The teacher was showing a movie, and there was a scene which showed a beating heart. Next thing I knew, I was on the floor surrounded by a whole bunch of twelve-year-olds. I spent what seemed like forever in the nurse’s office until my mom came and picked me up. But that memory has very little to do with school except that I was in school when it happened. So, I don’t really know about seventh grade being the worst, but that’s what they say.
I guess I hope my kid has the kind of seventh grade I had. Life has been a bit difficult the past three years. It would be nice to just have an ordinary, uneventful year. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.