It’s day nine of 2023. How’s everybody doing? I hope everyone’s good. It feels like a lot has happened in the first nine days of the year. We had that hilarious Speaker nonsense in the House of Representatives. A bunch of Brazilians decided to attempt their own insurrection. The war between Ukraine and Russia seems to be escalating, and France and Germany are sending the Ukrainians weapons. Covid is back (not that it ever left). California is getting drenched again. That’s a lot for just a little over a week.
I don’t want to talk about the big things, though. I want this post to be a little more personal. At the beginning of the year, many people make resolutions, set goals, make plans, and have aspirations for the new year. I read somewhere, though, that nearly a quarter of people quit their resolutions after the first week and more that 60% don’t make it past the first month. That’s a little sad. But it is understandable. Life is busy. Unexpected things come up. Money’s tight. There are lots of legitimate reasons. Hopefully it’s not that millions of people lack sticktoitiveness.
I have aspirations for the year rather than resolutions. My main aspiration is to find time every day to write. So far, so good. I know it’s only been nine days, but I’ve written something on every one of them. I’d also like to do a post a day here. That’s going to be tough, though. It’s certainly compatible with writing every day, but I write for other outlets as well. If I have a deadline, it may be hard to get a blog post in on the same day. We’ll see. One thing I know is if I miss a day, I’ll try to get back on the horse the next day.
Think of this as a bit of encouragement. If I can last the first week, I can make it a month. If I can make it a month, I can make it a quarter. And if I can make it a quarter, I can make it a year. If I can make it a year, you can, too. So, where are you after day nine? I’d really like to know.